4 Simple Steps to
Get Started
Ready to learn more so you can get started?
Let’s look at the next steps to get started…
Determine your Budget Allowance (8% of your total before tax income is common). People often pay up to 35% in income taxes, so why not keep 8% for your family.
Determine your Mortgage Amount as well as the term of years (15, 30 etc) and interest rate.
Determine your Amount of Life Insurance needed on the household breadwinners. How much would keep the family protected by paying off the mortgage and leaving money for income replacement?
Estimate of a Target Retirement Age – make sure your debt retires before you do!
Please fill out the form below, so we can help you determine if a customized Mortgage Reduction Strategy will benefit you.
If you simply prefer a bit more information, CONTACT US HERE and we can help you determine if the Mortgage Reduction Strategy is right for you!
By getting started you will be on your way to knowing your family is protected and that you will be mortgage free sooner than any traditional schedule!