Sample APS


Age 50 with a $100K Mortgage

Mortgage Amount


Years already paid


Term of the Mortgage


Mortgage Interest Rate


Monthly Mortgage Payment



Monthly Mortgage Payment


Monthly Mortgage Payment Times 12 months


Year Plan Value Exceeds Mortgage


Number of Mortgage Mortgage Payments Avoided


Total Amount of Money Not Being Paid To A Lender



Extra Dollars Paid In


Total Amount of Money Not Being Paid To A Lender


Extra $ Available to Retire Debt


Cost of 20 Year Term Life Insurance


Total Value Of All Benefits


Percentage Paid in per Dollar of Benefit


Year $ Paid In $ Value Mortgage Schedule % Paid of Mortgage $ for 20-year Level Term Ins
1 6078 5426 97,997.88 5.54% 927
2 12156 11454 95,929.70 11.94% 1854
3 18234 15122 93,793.31 16.12% 2781
4 24312 18866 91,586.43 20.60% 3708
5 30390 22674 89,306.76 25.39% 4635
6 36468 26536 86,951.88 30.52% 5562
7 42546 30452 84,519.32 36.03% 6489
8 48624 34422 82,006.51 41.97% 7416
9 54702 38474 79,410.80 48.45% 8343
10 60780 42606 76,729.47 55.53% 9270
11 66858 46804 73,959.69 63.28% 10197
12 72936 51042 71,098.53 71.79% 11124
13 79014 55298 68,142.99 81.15% 12051
14 85092 59566 65,089.95 91.51% 12978
15 91170 63844 61,936.20 103.08% 13905
16 97248 68136 58,678.41 116.12% 14832
17 103326 72458 55,313.14 131.00% 15759
18 109404 76824 51,836.87 148.20% 16686
19 115482 81234 48,245.91 168.37% 17613
20 121560 85700 44,536.50 192.43% 18540
21 127638 90554 40,704.71 222.47% 0
22 133716 95466 36,746.53 259.80% 0
23 139794 100376 32,657.76 307.36% 0
24 145872 105304 28,434.12 370.34% 0
25 151950 110268 24,071.14 458.09% 0
26 158028 115276 19,564.24 589.22% 0
27 164106 120336 14,908.66 807.16% 0
28 170184 125444 10,099.50 1242.08% 0
29 176262 130592 5,131.69 2544.82% 0
30 182340 135784 (0.00) 0

The product being offered in this scenario is life insurance and the primary intention of this product is to provide a death benefit. Scenario uses the guaranteed rate.

Please consult your legal, tax advisor of any legal or tax advice. My Money Strategies does not make any claims as the data entered into these worksheets are done by each visitor.

This illustration does not reflect that dollars are paid and received at different times