Sample APS


Age 60 with a $250K Mortgage

Mortgage Amount


Years already paid


Term of the Mortgage


Mortgage Interest Rate


Monthly Mortgage Payment



Monthly Mortgage Payment


Monthly Mortgage Payment Times 12 months


Year Plan Value Exceeds Mortgage


Number of Mortgage Mortgage Payments Avoided


Total Amount of Money Not Being Paid To A Lender



Extra Dollars Paid In


Total Amount of Money Not Being Paid To A Lender


Extra $ Available to Retire Debt


Cost of 20 Year Term Life Insurance


Total Value Of All Benefits


Percentage Paid in per Dollar of Benefit


Year $ Paid In $ Value Mortgage Schedule % Paid of Mortgage $ for 20-year Level Term Ins
1 22784 20000 244,994.69 8.16% 3696
2 45568 43000 239,824.26 17.93% 7392
3 68352 66600 234,483.27 28.40% 11088
4 91136 90000 228,966.08 39.31% 14784
5 113920 114400 223,266.89 51.24% 18480
6 136704 135600 217,379.70 62.38% 22176
7 159488 157200 211,298.29 74.40% 25872
8 182272 179400 205,016.27 87.51% 29568
9 205056 201800 198,527.01 101.65% 33264
10 227840 224600 191,823.68 117.09% 36960
11 250624 249000 184,899.22 134.67% 40656
12 273408 274800 177,746.33 154.60% 44352
13 296192 302400 170,357.48 177.51% 48048
14 318976 331600 162,724.88 203.78% 51744
15 341760 362600 154,840.49 234.18% 55440
16 364544 396000 146,696.01 269.95% 59136
17 387328 431800 138,282.86 312.26% 62832
18 410112 470200 129,592.16 362.83% 66528
19 432896 510800 120,614.78 423.50% 70224
20 455680 554200 111,341.24 497.75% 73920
21 478464 601600 101,761.78 591.18% 0
22 501248 652000 91,866.32 709.73% 0
23 524032 705800 81,644.41 864.48% 0
24 546816 763800 71,085.30 1074.48% 0
25 569600 826000 60,177.86 1372.60% 0
26 592384 864400 48,910.60 1767.31% 0
27 615168 903800 37,271.65 2424.90% 0
28 637952 944400 25,248.74 3740.38% 0
29 660736 986200 12,829.22 7687.14% 0
30 683520 1028800 (0.00) 0

Please consult your legal, tax advisor of any legal or tax advice. My Money Strategies does not make any claims as the data entered into these worksheets are done by each visitor.

This illustration does not reflect that dollars are paid and received at different times.