Sample APS


Age 25 with a $350K Mortgage

Mortgage Amount


Years already paid


Term of the Mortgage


Mortgage Interest Rate


Monthly Mortgage Payment



Monthly Mortgage Payment


Monthly Mortgage Payment Times 12 months


Year Plan Value Exceeds Mortgage


Number of Mortgage Mortgage Payments Avoided


Total Amount of Money Not Being Paid To A Lender



Extra Dollars Paid In


Total Amount of Money Not Being Paid To A Lender


Extra $ Available to Retire Debt


Cost of 20 Year Term Life Insurance


Total Value Of All Benefits


Percentage Paid in per Dollar of Benefit


Year $ Paid In $ Value Mortgage Schedule % Paid of Mortgage $ for 20-year Level Term Ins
1 6707 5900 342,992.56 1.72% 691
2 13414 12600 335,753.96 3.75% 1382
3 20121 19400 328,276.57 5.91% 2073
4 26828 26000 320,552.51 8.11% 2764
5 33535 32800 312,573.65 10.49% 3455
6 40242 38600 304,331.58 12.68% 4146
7 46949 44700 295,817.61 15.11% 4837
8 53656 51100 287,022.78 17.80% 5528
9 60363 57800 277,937.82 20.80% 6219
10 67070 64800 268,553.16 24.13% 6910
11 73777 72000 258,858.91 27.81% 7601
12 80484 79600 248,844.87 31.99% 8292
13 87191 87400 238,500.47 36.65% 8983
14 93898 95600 227,814.83 41.96% 9674
15 100605 104100 216,776.69 48.02% 10365
16 107312 113500 205,374.42 55.26% 11056
17 114019 123900 193,596.00 64.00% 11747
18 120726 135300 181,429.03 74.57% 12438
19 127433 147800 168,860.69 87.53% 13129
20 134140 161300 155,877.74 103.48% 13820
21 140847 175900 142,466.50 123.47% 0
22 147554 191200 128,612.84 148.66% 0
23 154261 207300 114,302.17 181.36% 0
24 160968 224100 99,519.42 225.18% 0
25 167675 241800 84,249.00 287.01% 0
26 174382 260300 68,474.83 380.14% 0
27 181089 279700 52,180.30 536.03% 0
28 187796 300000 35,348.24 848.70% 0
29 194503 321400 17,960.91 1789.44% 0
30 201210 343900 (0.00) 0

Please consult your legal, tax advisor of any legal or tax advice. My Money Strategies does not make any claims as the data entered into these worksheets are done by each visitor.

This illustration does not reflect that dollars are paid and received at different times.